130 Buena Vista Exd | Baltic, OH 43804

Thank You, Baltic Community!

June 16, 2022

A Letter to Our Community:

Yesterday evening, Oak Pointe experienced smoke coming from the mechanical equipment, but we are happy to say that everyone is fine!

This proved to be a lesson in how blessed we truly are. The first responders that rushed to our aid were nothing short of amazing. The Firemen, EMTs, and community volunteers that showed up handled the situation with grace and allowed us to make sure our residents were safe and comfortable.

We are truly humbled by the outpouring of love we have felt from our community! A huge thank you to Sugarcreek, Baltic, Dundee, East Holmes Fire Department and Smith Ambulance! A special shoutout to the members of our community for showing up to pass out snacks and drinks to make the situation go as smoothly as possible. Our staff members were so incredible and showed great composure during the tense situation. Our residents were evacuated quickly until we made sure their home was safe.

While we all hope nothing like this ever happens again, we learned how lucky we are for the wonderful people in our community! Thank you!

News & Events

Introducing Oak Pointe's New Administrator
Get to know our compassionate leader, Carrie Miller!

Employee Spotlight: Nancy McDougale
Get to know one of our compassionate caregivers!

Back-to-School Backpack Giveaway
Join us on August 13th to pick up school supplies!

March Employee of the Month
Congratulations to Hanna Kedigh!

January Employee of the Month
Congratulations to Jane McNichols as our January EOM!

September Perfect Attendance Winner
Congratulations to our devoted LPN, Lisa Guilliams!

Get Involved!
Become a Volunteer at Oak Pointe!

End of Summer Carnival 2022
Oak Pointe says goodbye to summer with an end of summer bash!

A Heartfelt Letter to Our Staff
Misty wrote a letter to Oak Pointe!

Common Grief Reactions
Learn the different reactions to grieving.

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